Tax 990

Iowa Nonprofits
Registration, Tax Exemption, and Biennial Report Filing Requirements

Iowa Nonprofits - A Guide to Registration and Tax Compliance

Understanding the guidelines and requirements set by the relevant state agency is essential for successfully establishing
and operating a nonprofit organization.

Here, you can find how to start and register a nonprofit in Iowa, obtain tax-exempt status, understand the annual report filing requirements
for nonprofits in the state, and more.

Requirements Registration Registration Annual Filing Annual Filing
With the State of Iowa With the secretary of state Charity Annual Renewal Biennial Report
Required Forms

Required Forms

Articles of Incorporation



Biennial Report

Due Date

Due Date

Before establishing a
Nonprofit entity
Between January 1 and April 1 of each odd-numbered year
Filing Fee

Filing Fee

$20 N/A

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Start a Nonprofit in Iowa?

To start a nonprofit in the state of Iowa, you must follow these registration procedures.

Article of Incorporation Registration with the Iowa Secretary of State:

To register your nonprofit in Iowa, you need to submit the organization's name and Articles of Incorporation to the Iowa Secretary of State.

Typically, this submission must include the following information:

  • Name of the Corporation
  • Name and Address of each incorporator
  • Purpose of the organization
  • Name and Address of the initial directors

In addition to these details, you must pay the incorporation filing fee of $20.


How to Obtain Tax-Exempt Status from the State of Iowa?

If your nonprofit has obtained 501(c) tax-exempt status from the IRS by submitting either Form 1023 or 1024, your organization will be automatically qualified as tax-exempt with the State of Iowa. The state doesn’t require you to submit a separate application to qualify as an exempt organization.

This means your organization will be exempt from both federal and state income taxes.


What are the filing requirements for nonprofits in Iowa?

The State of Iowa requires nonprofits to file Biennial reports with the Iowa Secretary of State.


When is the deadline for filing a Biennial Report with Iowa?

The due date to file a biennial report with the Iowa Secretary of State is between January 1 and April 1 of each odd-numbered year.


Are there any penalties for not filing biennial reports?

Yes, If the biennial report is not filed within 60 days of the due date, the organization will be administratively dissolved.


How do I file a biennial report with the state of Iowa?

You can file a biennial report electronically through the online portal provided by the Iowa Secretary of State.

You can complete the biennial report and mail it to the address shown below:

Secretary of state,
First Floor, Lucas Building,
321 E. 12th St.
Des Moines, IA 50319.

Article Sources:

Start E-filing Your Form 990 Online