Tax 990

Louisiana Nonprofits
Registration, Tax Exemption, and Annual Report Filing Requirements

Louisiana Nonprofits - A Guide to Registration and Tax Compliance

Understanding the guidelines and requirements set by the relevant state agency is essential for successfully establishing and operating a nonprofit organization.

Here, you can find how to start and register a nonprofit in Louisiana, obtain tax-exempt status, understand the annual filing requirements for nonprofits in the
state, and more.

Requirements Registration Registration Annual Filing Annual Filing
With the State of Louisiana Unrelated Business Income Filing Requirements Annual Report
Required Forms

Required Forms

Articles of Incorporation

Form CIFT-620 Annual Report
Due Date

Due Date

Before establishing a Nonprofit entity, 15th day of the 5th month after the organizations accounting period ends Anniversary Date
Filing Fee

Filing Fee

$75 N/A $10

Frequently Asked Questions


How to Start a Nonprofit in Louisiana?

To start a nonprofit in the State of Louisiana, you must follow these registration procedures.

Registering Articles of Incorporation with the Louisiana State:

To register your non-profit organization in Louisiana, you are required to file an Article of Incorporation with the state, along with a filing fee of $75.

Typically, this submission includes the following information:

  • Name of the Corporation
  • Purpose of forming a corporation
  • Name and address of incorporators
  • Name and address of the initial board of directors


How to obtain tax-exempt status from the State of Louisiana?

In order to obtain a sales tax exemption, the state of Louisiana requires that nonprofit organizations submit Form R-20125 to obtain Sales Tax Exemption
from the state.


What are the annual filing requirements for nonprofits in Louisiana?

Unrelated Business Income Filing Requirements:

An exempt organization that has income from an unrelated trade or business and files Federal Form 990-T with the Internal Revenue Service is subject to file
Form CIFT-620 to report its Louisiana-sourced unrelated business income.

Annual Report:

Louisiana law also requires nonprofit organizations to file an Annual Report each year with the secretary of state.


When is the deadline to file Annual Filings with the state of Louisiana?

Unrelated Business Income Filing Requirements:

The Deadline to file a Form CIFT-620 with the state of Louisiana is the 15th day of the 5th month following the end of the organization's fiscal year. This means if your organization follows the calendar tax year, the deadline is May 15th.

Annual Report:

The due date to file the annual report is on the anniversary date of the organization.


Are there any penalties for late filing of Annual Filings?

Unrelated Business Income Filing Requirements:

The penalty for failure to file a return on time, except when failure is due to a reasonable cause, is 5 percent of the total tax due if the delay in filing is for not more than 30 days, with an additional 5 percent for each additional 30 days or fraction thereof during which the failure to file continues. The penalty cannot exceed 25 percent of the tax due.

Annual Report:

Louisiana doesn't assess late fees for failing to file an annual report. However, you will lose your good standing in the state. If you are delinquent for more than 3 years, your business will be administratively dissolved or revoked of its rights to conduct business within the state.


How to submit Annual Filings with the state of Colorado?

Unrelated Business Income Filing Requirements:

Nonprofit organizations can submit their Form CIFT-620 to the Louisiana’s Department of Revenue website, http://www.revenue.louisiana.gov/latap

Annual Report:

Nonprofits can submit the Annual Report electronically through the Louisiana state website, https://geauxbiz.sos.la.gov/

Article Sources:

Start E-filing your Form 990 Online